Wednesday, April 2, 2014


After spending a long time on deciding where I want to go for my Road Trip project, my choice falls on La Honda. I am interested in the history of the 60's and I really like Ken Kesey, so vising the place where he started his Acid Tests is going to be awesome! I researched La Honda a little bit before settling my choice on it, and one resource said that pages of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest were written all over the walls of Kesey's La Honda residence (source: The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe). I don't know if Kesey's old house is open to visitors, but I would love to explore it. I also want to learn more about the Acid Tests, where they started out, and what influence they had on the culture of California. This part of the history of La Honda corresponds to my interests in literature and the history of LSD.
La Honda is located in the beautiful coastal redwood forest in the Santa Cruz mountains. Nature is a big passion of mine, so I am excited to see what the area around La Honda looks like. During my brief research I also learned that the forest around La Honda was pretty wild back in the 19th century, and the first settlers had to fight with big fierce animals such as grizzly bears and mountain lions for food (source: La Honda by Bob Dougherty). It is going to be interesting to learn about how the first settlers in La Honda dealt with the struggles of starting a town in the wild and what effects their settlement had on nature.
La Honda is about 1.5-2 hours away from where I live. I plan on making this a day trip and inviting a couple of friends to come along. The tentative date for my road trip is Friday, March 21.

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